Google Blog Articles

Super Cloud Total Disaster Prevented by Independent Backups
Monday, Jun 3, 2024

Super Cloud Total Disaster Prevented by Independent Backups

One of Australia’s largest pension funds with USD90 billion (AUD135 Billion) invested on behalf of 647,000 members suffered a Google Cloud outage that crippled it’s customer services for almost two weeks in May. Google’s official response recognised the importance of third party backup software in saving the day.

UCS puts Office 365 and Google Apps for Work control back in your hands
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

UCS puts Office 365 and Google Apps for Work control back in your hands

Microsoft Office 365 and Google Apps for Work are quickly developing into the top dogs of the office cloud scene, and companies are increasingly finding themselves faced with an uncomfortable problem: loss of control and freedom of choice.

Six months on from Mobilegeddon – what’s changed?
Thursday, Nov 19, 2015

Six months on from Mobilegeddon – what’s changed?

You might remember, six months ago, how all the blogs about school websites (us included) – and indeed all websites – were talking about Google’s impending “Mobilegeddon” – the change in their ranking algorithm that would prioritise mobile-friendly websites and penalise those that aren’t mobile compatible. No doubt you received countless emails from providers (ourselves included, again), offering to fix the problem, but six months on we have to ask – was it a genuine threat to your website?

Mobilegeddon: What it Means for Your School
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Mobilegeddon: What it Means for Your School

Mobilegeddon is here. In February earlier this year, Google announced that sites that aren’t mobile-friendly will find their search rank plummet from April 21st, making it extremely difficult to find your site if it isn’t readable on mobiles.

Smoothwall and Google SafeSearch changes
Friday, Dec 5, 2014

Smoothwall and Google SafeSearch changes

This is important information for Smoothwall customers filtering Google searches without HTTPS inspection: Google recently announced that, in December 2014, they will be removing their ‘NoSSLSearch’ functionality.

Force NoSSL on Google!
Friday, Nov 15, 2013

Force NoSSL on Google!

Google’s HTTPS-driven services have caused issues for organisations worldwide over recent months, allowing inappropriate content to go uninspected.